Svenja Windisch

Advisor for International Agendas and Processes

Starting in 2018, Svenja worked for GIZ in the Support to Local Governance Programme in Pakistan, where she provided advisory support to a local government authority on the right to information and gender-sensitive communication campaigns. She was also responsible for managing an intermedia entertainment education campaign featuring the (comic) character Qasim the Khadim.

Previously, Svenja completed her Master's degree in International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. As a student assistant at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, she wrote case descriptions for the datasets Humanitarian Military Interventions 1946-2005 and Post-civil War Power and Compromise. Being interesting in innovative and creative approaches to peacebuilding, she further planned a residency on Joseph Beuys’ social sculpture with Afghan and Pakistani artists during her internship with Heinrich Böll Foundation in the Regional Green Dialogs project.

Her work focuses on peacebuilding, local governance, state-citizen dialogue, political participation, gender equality, and innovative communication approaches. Since March 2022, Svenja has been working at FriEnt as an advisor for international processes and agendas, addressing thematic points of connection between national and international debates on peacebuilding and crisis prevention.

Starting in 2018, Svenja worked for GIZ in the Support to Local Governance Programme in Pakistan, where she provided advisory support to a local government authority on the right to information and gender-sensitive communication campaigns. She was also responsible for managing an intermedia entertainment education campaign featuring the (comic) character Qasim the Khadim.

Previously, Svenja completed her Master's degree in International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. As a student assistant at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, she wrote case descriptions for the datasets Humanitarian Military Interventions 1946-2005 and Post-civil War Power and Compromise. Being interesting in innovative and creative approaches to peacebuilding, she further planned a residency on Joseph Beuys’ social sculpture with Afghan and Pakistani artists during her internship with Heinrich Böll Foundation in the Regional Green Dialogs project.

Her work focuses on peacebuilding, local governance, state-citizen dialogue, political participation, gender equality, and innovative communication approaches. Since March 2022, Svenja has been working at FriEnt as an advisor for international processes and agendas, addressing thematic points of connection between national and international debates on peacebuilding and crisis prevention.

The Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt) is an association of governmental organisations, church development agencies, civil society networks, and political foundations.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden

und Entwicklung (FriEnt) c/ o GIZ

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 36

53113 Bonn

Tel +49 228 4460-1916


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