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The Guidance Paper explains key challenges and issues arising for development and peace organisations. It offers an initial frame of reference for the design of projects/programmes that fit in with the transitional justice concept.
The transitional justice concept, with its various mechanisms, offers practical starting points for the planning of measures in peace oriented development work. In particular, it enables state and civil society actors to link and ensure complementarity between their various activities. The point in time and the form and combination of mechanisms that can be applied in a given country will depend on the specific context. For development and peace organisations, this raises questions about their own role, choice of partners, and the design and timing of activities, etc. The first part of the FriEnt Guidance Paper explains terminology and concepts of relevance to transitional justice. It identifies key challenges and issues arising for development and peace organisations. The second part offers guidelines for staff working in development and peace organisations with an initial frame of reference for the design of projects/programmes that fit in with the transitional justice concept. It provides key questions for context analysis and the planning of individual transitional justice mechanisms, refers to earlier experiences and gives practical tips.